Archive for Personal

On the edge of living a quarter of century

Posted in Personal with tags , , on February 24, 2010 by SepSep™

After living for a quarter of century, if these things happen:

  • You still don’t know exactly when your birthday is!?!?
  • You feel you’re really getting old
  • You wonder if you’re gonna make it to the next quarter of century of your life (or you want to at all) or not
  • You have to put the garbage outside in the snow, wash the bathroom and you have a dentist appointment on your birthday
  • You hate your birthday and it’s just another sad day of your life and the only thing you want to do is crying
  • You hate receiving happy birthday wishes on Facebook so you remove your birthdate and block everyone from posting on your wall. You are not against Facebook or technology but you think that this is too much, receiving happy birthday wishes from people who don’t even know you and don’t care even if you’re dead or alive just for the sake of saying it cuz Facebook tells them to do so. And they feel it’s bad that everyone says happy birthday to you and they’re not saying, so they should!
  • You have no idea where on earth you might be the next year/10 years/25 years
  • You don’t know where the “Home” is anymore
  • You don’t even have any idea what you want to do in your life but getting a F***ing passport that is not from your own F***ing “COUNTRY” so you can live like an ordinary “Person”
  • You just hate how your life has been wasted in your “Country” and you never learnt how to live and not be alive
  • You don’t regret how you’ve wasted your life and lived in ignorance most of it but you try to compensate for your ignorance everyday
  • You have been and still searching for truth and you haven’t got anywhere yet and you bet you won’t
  • You have been changed a lot especially in the past few years, you have recently seen almost the biggest changes in your mind-structure and beliefs, how you see everything and how you act and behave (thanks to the situations that I’ve got and the people who helped me in that)
  • You wonder how the next quarter century might be like
  • You are laughing at yourself cuz you still try to formulate yourself and you cannot write couple of points about yourself without any contradictions
  • You might write a post in your weblog that might seem that you have a miserable life but you are actually having one the best times of your whole life

Then you might be called SepSep!