
You never know, one person, one accident or one moment might change your life. But when you are 17, something might cause a huge change in your life that teaches you the biggest lesson of your life. Then Tracy Chapman’s Change song becomes the guideline of your life, listening to the song almost 10 years after for the first time though. This is why:

If you knew that you would die today
Would you change?

When you base your life on this approach, you would barely regret what you’ve done in your life. I haven’t been perfect following this direction and failed a lot, but I guess unconsciously I’ve used it, and most probably I will.

p.s: I love the song and except about 10 seconds of it, the rest is perfect in my idea.

p.s2: I was listening to Band of Horses’ Funeral song and thought one might get the same feeling from it.

One Response to “Change”

  1. Totally agree,
    To me living every moment like your last is the best way to live for sure. I have tried to do it for a long time and when I really do it, shadow of past or future will go away from life, I not only regret anything from past, I don’t want to become anything or have anything in this crazy world in future also, then I totally enjoy every tiny moment of life.
    When I saw this post I was listening to “The Funeral” also 😀

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